July 26, 2020
Dear Our Lady of Lourdes School Families,
“The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all…”
Philippians 4:5-6
I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and that your summer is going well despite the limitations necessitated by the current health situation.
The re-opening of school in September has been on all of our minds since before the last school year ended. Like many of you, I have been carefully following CDC and NYS communications regarding the re-opening of school and waiting for the Archdiocesan task force to issue the plan for re-opening. This past week principals received re-opening of school information and a video showing what school will look like in September. You will receive the same information packet, available in English and Spanish, and a video on Monday, July 27, through the Archdiocesan constant contact system.
We are waiting for additional guidelines from the Department of Health regarding Early Childhood implementation.
I want to emphasize that this plan is constantly evolving as guidelines from the CDC, NYS, and the Mayor’s Office continue to be issued.
Please know that it is our fervent hope that ultimately, we will be able to return to the traditional model of school with all students attending school five days a week.
The following are highlights of the Archdiocesan plan for the reopening of school on September 9:
Parents will have an option of choosing a model of instruction for their child/children.
The Hybrid model. Students will attend school on Mondays and Tuesdays and alternating Wednesdays or Thursdays and Fridays and alternating Wednesdays. On the days when students are not in school, they will be “zooming” in to the class that is being taught by their teacher through remote learning. This is different from last school year’s remote learning model. Students will now be learning in real time with the teacher delivering instruction whether the students are physically in the classroom or at home.
The Remote Learning model. Parents who prefer their child/children not to physically enter the school building may choose this option. Students will “zoom in” to the live class from their homes. They will be viewing the same lesson that is being taught in the classroom. Once again, this is different from the remote learning model used during the last school year. Parents may opt for remote learning until that time as all students can return to school five days a week or they may change to the hybrid model after the first quarter that ends November 6th, 2020, if space allows and with the approval of the principal.
It is possible that if a sizeable number of parents in a particular grade opt for remote learning at home, the remainder of the class could attend school five days a week but this would be the exception rather than the rule.
While I have shared highlights of the Archdiocesan plan with you, please read the information packet and view the video when you receive them on Monday.
After you do so, please complete the survey you will receive to indicate which model you want for your child/ren and email the survey to Ms. DeCarbo at [email protected] by Wednesday, July 29. The results will be used to design a schedule for each student.
I also plan to host a series of parent Zoom meetings when you will be able to ask questions and we can share ideas.
Please know that OLL is preparing for all options: hybrid, remote learning, and traditional 5-day a week school for all students so that if there are changes from now until September 9, we are ready.
Let me end by saying what an amazing group of parents you are. I want to recognize the heroic job you did during the last school year as you balanced health and safety concerns, work and/or employment issues, financial worries, family matters, and school-at-home. You have maintained your dedication and commitment this summer as you continue to balance so many things to keep your families “going” during this unprecedented time. My sincere thanks.
While we continue to face challenges as we begin a new school year, I am confident that we have the right combination of parents, faculty, and staff to make school “work” optimally for our students. We recognize that we are not alone because Christ, the Master Teacher, is leading the way. Joining together, we face the new school year with optimism and faith.
Warm regards, Suzanne Kaszynski, Principal